Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rant's for da Day

Started after the end of my school life, I always wake up late. It's more and more sleep than ever. Then, it started to get really boring, easy going through the day, same routine, so I decided to get a part time job.

Yup, part time job. Then my dad found one for me. A temporary kindergarten teacher! teacher! At first, I just follow my dad to his friend's house. I didn't even ask my dad what the work was about. Simply following him, it was the former landlord's house. My family use to rent this bungalow from the landlord for ten years.

Pn. Zaiton is her name. I forgot her husband name, hehehehe. I just called him tuan rumah. At first, I just tried to get along with Mak Za, the other teacher there. Thank God she is friendly. I had adjust to the work just smoothly. The kids were okay. I'll upload the pics other times. How cute the kids are.

The only thing I jealous of them is how carefree they were and how smooth their skin! Yup, their skin. Now my face have pimples now and then. Not the seriously big pimples, just manage to handle the pimples with today tech I say.

I started going to work at 6.55 am along with my bro and sis. My mom sent them to school while I'm going to work. In the morning, Ezrin will came first. Her mother is a school teacher while her father is a cop. Then Sabrina came. Both their parent work at early hour, so we the teachers also have to come early in the morning.

I'll explain more in my teaching journal.But then, I realise how lonely it was without my friends. Sure, I have more quality time with my family when I'm at home, but it doesn't feel the same, I used to lived at hostel for 5 years. When I'm working it does make me felt warm surrounding by people. Even it is kids, but they do know me as their friends.

It means that I'm used to be with lots of people at a time. Just when I'm by myself in my room, I'm lost what I want to do. I just sleep most of the time. I can't stay put just like that, doing nothing. So, most of the time I'm on the net or watch tv. Well, okay, most of the time, I read manga online. It's just so interesting, manga that is.

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